In Memory of Jethro Hells Angels San Jose and Sweet Mike Hells Angels LACO  AFFA

Greetings everyone, All is well here at F.C.I. Bastrop. A few day ago the prison lost all electric power so we were locked down in our tiny rooms for about 15 hours with no air conditioning or air circulation. Needless to say, it could have been worse.

Today, Saturday, the weather is perfect here at F.C.I Bastrop so I spent the entire day outside on the yard. September is gone and that means one less month for me behind the barbwire. Woo-Hoo!

NOTE: If you are receiving this News Letter via e-mail through “corrlinks,” please drop me a short return e-mail saying that you have received Newsletter #17. That way I will know that your e-mail address is still good. Otherwise I will be purging (dropping) all e-mail addresses which are no longer in use. I will give you one month to respond to this e-mail (November 1, 2011 is the deadline) I have the maximum space of 30 e-mail addresses and space has been full for a long time. Corrlinks does not notify me if any of the e-mail addresses are no longer valid. There are a lot of people who want to be added to my e-mail list. Thank you in advance for responding to this request.

THANK YOUs FOR RESENT FACEBOOK COMMENTS: I just received a printout from my latest comments from my FaceBook page and I would like to thank, Suzanne for sending them to me, Glen for taking the time to post all of this, and comments from Richard Gosselin, Michael Braun, Brenda Street, Richard Rodrigues, Janine Bourassa, Mike A. Downey, Brenda Matlock, Robert Chico Mora, Kassandra Craig, Terrie Smith, Ellen Silverman, Mike Wiley Sr., Schaline Muhilly & my Brother Big Daddy, Rafidah Yusuf, JoJo Walz, Manfred Schofer, Tamika Crestoni, Kelly, Desvoyault, James Howlett, Devil Rider MC Austria, Michael Wade, Frank Hube, Halida Dekanovic, Rachel Pizzano, Preston Hammer Mann, Steve Verhagen, David Rydberg, Kim Gardner, Amanda Sucia, Redfox Mike, Bobbi Mackley, Kalli DC, Gary Depaul, Erin O’Connell, Dave Zachar(ECD) Jesse Arkhipova, Mari Beauregard, Jessi Winchester (Say hi to Destyny for me), William Verhayden Sr., Michele Cascio Rosa, Ballin-Manacita?, Jim Hebert Cornelis, Kyle Roach, Tressa O’Lear(in loving memory of my Brother Fess AFFA) Kenneth Mcdaniel, M.J. Miller, Bill Adcox, Fernando Herrera, You Don’t KnowMe(but I do know Bob Dylan), Kevin Daley, Marko Jovic, David Carver, Marleen Girard, Ronald Anderson, Bryan Matson, Mark Eland, Ann Clavet, Michael Martyn II, Steve Longrove, NaNja Bron, Wild Biker Honey, Adi Bausch, Grace Kitchener, Bruce Ulanet, James Ripley, Kjetil Stomsheim, Michele Lynn Sparks, Thomas William Cochrane, Tim Maddox, Rick Weedman, Vor Stogie, Mikko Hellsinki, Jarkki Siekkinen, Victoria Henderson, Lisa Zollo, Patrick Brody, Kim Gardner, Patricia Sanders, DeAnne Marie Bruner-Marshell, Jen Lucas Mayers, Connie Hughs, my Brother Troy Regas, Christina Curtis, Beeseck James, Howard Doc Jessmer, Elleen Heil. (I hope I did not mis-spell any names)

And THANK YOUs FOR CARDS & LETTERS: Donna Anderson of Sparks, Roger Steves of Rochester N.Y., Brenda Matlock of Ionia, Louise of Eagle Point, Korinna of Germany, Glen in Jersey, Freddie Haterz of the U.K., Phyllis Gomez of Calusa, Kathy Eastland of Reno, David Zacher of PA, Kassandra Craig of Dallas, Charlette LeBlanc of Bryant, The Hendersons of Steele City, My Brother Angelo HAMCO, Tammi Smith of Fresno, Halida Dekanovic, The Cagles of Joshua Tree, Mary Day of Edmonton, Jen Altemose of Long Pond, Lori Braun of Reno (Send my love to Mo and family), Sean of layette NC, G. Trisler of Mohave Valley, Anjali Hart 🙂 of LaRose, Bryan Keller of Cheyenne, Shasiti Valena of Pauldon AZ, Suzanne Guss of San Antonio, Chaplain D. Tebbutt of Toronto, my Leza of Reno, All Hells Angels London & Izzy, Walli Kay of Seattle, The Muhilly Family in Ferntucky NV, Mike and Yvonne in Sparks, Terri of Queensland Australia, Kattie Cannella of Denver, Tony “Prospect” Va Nomads, Rick of Koncz PA, Traci Hess of Las Vegas, Pete Zimmer of Pleasanton, Mike Bronson of Albany NY, Martin Skipworth of Hamlin NY, Pete Stobierski “Prospect” VA Nomads, Paul Purtle of Bronson Mo, Chris Burke of Merrimack, Cheryl of Merrillville, Bon Oberhofer of Toledo, Jordan “Prospect” Va Nomads, Berry Chandler of Zebulon NC, Robert “Grumpy” of Minroe NC, Lila Sandoval of NM, Skeeter HAMC Berdoo, Ingo HAMC Reutlingen Germany, Dennis of Sparks, Misty & MaryKate of Puyallup, my Family in Four Oaks,  All of my Family and Friends in Oakland, and All of my Family and Friends in Reno/Sparks. (I hope I did not mis-spell any names)


I am taking a short brake from the “Homeless Children” true stories. Even though the message is good and timely, they are still very disturbing. So tonight I bring you:


I was sitting in a bar on a saucy island somewhere near the equator, you know the kind… one of those cheap “gin mills” with a fan in the ceiling and beads for a door, some clown sitting over staring at the table top. It was a sultry morning in the tropics, and it was already hot. Suddenly the beads parted and a broad walked in… a broad… She was the most classically beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was carrying a cello. I thought for a minute there I had been drinking too much gin because there was a bright light shining out from between her legs. But when she moved I saw it was just the sun shining through there, hitting me right in the eyes. She walked across the floor, my mind split in two because I couldn’t decide if I was looking at a Grecian goddess come to life or one of those sultry Madonna’s you see leaning against a lamp post in Paris. When she got to the other side of the room she pulled up a chair, sat down and started playing her cello. Ahhh… the music that came out was like velvet covered diamonds. Very soon my insides began to melt, form the shape of an arrow pointed directly at her. I wanted her alright, then I realized I had to have her. You ask a joker crawling around in the desert if he wants a glass of water, of course he does, it’s a stupid question, if he doesn’t get it, he’ll die, that’s the way I felt about her. I didn’t know how I’d go about it but, it’s just because she seemed so cool, so pristine, like an Ice Princess.

She stopped playing that beautiful music after awhile and picked up her cello and headed for the beads. Just before she went to step out the door she stopped and threw me a glance I had to squint from because my eyebrows went up in smoke. Needless to say it was a hot look. She was the kind of woman that could keep her head in the clouds ’cause she had a furnace burning down below. She could go from heaven to hell and back again in a second and I wondered if I could handle that. I’d either fry or freeze but I had to try.

By the time I caught up with her she was laying naked on the beach with a hat on her face. I leaned over and picked up the hat. I was ready for anything but what I saw, a beautiful bouquet of flowers but the petals were made of silver chimes. Her eyes looked liked the eyes of a trapped doe and I leaned over and gently kissed her.

Suddenly she rolled me over on my back and sat down on me with a low guttural growl that sounded like a tiger sitting down for lunch. I didn’t know if I was scared or happy or both, but I do know the last thing I felt was like a sheep being swallowed by a boa constrictor and then I was gone. When I finally came to, I could hear her playing her cello off in the jungle somewhere… mmm…

Well that all happened a long time ago. She was the most mysterious woman I had ever met. I thought I understood the fire in her ’cause I’m like that, but I could never understand the icy distance she could throw between us with just the sound of her voice. But it didn’t seem to matter anyways, so I just gave up trying to figure her out.

I won’t say that I love her, that’s a word I reserve for a gin on the rocks on a hot afternoon, but, I do absolutely adore her.

Ok Folks, I hope you enjoyed tonight’s story. If you liked this story, you can find it and others like it on albums by “Celestial Navigation’s” To listen to the stories by professionals with the background really brings them to life.

Enjoy your coming week. I’ll talk to you more next weekend…

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